4 Apps That’ll Help You with Household Chores

Most of us juggle chores at home, on top of our full-time jobs and other responsibilities. It can be very discouraging when you let dirt and grime accumulate so much that cleaning the house becomes an extraordinarily time-consuming proposition. housework1

However, the tedium and drudgery can be eased with apps designed to help keep you on schedule with your home-cleaning tasks. Take a look at these four great apps that can help you manage your chores and even entertain you a little along the way.

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You Rule Chores

Human psychology is a funny thing. Turns out, if you transform cleaning into a game, you’re more likely to complete the tasks.

You Rule is a game of chores that awards users with unique avatar power-ups as you clean. This is ideal for families that have a difficult time getting motivated to tidy up.

Your kids will get on board so they can reach new upgrade achievements and compete with each other. Once you have this, your house will get cleaner than it’s ever been.

Bright Nest

Your home fixtures are accumulating lime deposits, dust, stains, rust, and other unwanted grime. So how exactly do you clean these surfaces?

The Bright Nest app is full of simple tips and tricks that have been crowd-sourced by cleaning professionals. For example, did you know that you can use lemon water to clean the inside of your microwave?

Also, vinegar will kill mold that you find growing on the edges of your sink or bathtub.

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Green Shine

Are you concerned about exposing your family members and pets to harmful chemical cleaners? You can cut out dangerous substances by using green cleaners.

Not only are they non-toxic, but they’re also better for the environment. This app contains a guide to simple and safe cleaning substitutes for a variety of home surfaces.


Your podcast app can become your best friend during cleaning sessions. You don’t have to put up with the boredom of cleaning alone.

Download a couple of informative podcasts and turn cleaning into a period for entertainment or education. Pop in some ear pods so you can hear over the sound of running water or the vacuum cleaner.

Are you feeling motivated to tidy up yet? These apps can help you maintain a cleaning schedule, avoid dangerous chemical cleaners, and stay entertained while performing household chores.

Regular cleaning can help maintain the longevity, look, and functionality of your household furniture. Enlist the help of your roommates and family members so you’re not stuck with the bulk of these responsibilities alone. Happy cleaning!


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