What the Fuck Gif

What the Fuck Gifs

Gif Animations are the most funniest and annoying reactions people use. These days a lot of people count themselves as a GIF genius but in fact geniuses are not found in GIFs. “WTF” is the most exciting GIF people use. Google says, now we see millions of searches for “What the fuck” GIFs everyday as the tenor is turning over 12 billion searches per month.


These GIFs plays a vital role as the part of digital lexicon that younger consumers use frequently to express their inner emotions in a funniest way. WTF GIFs are amongst one iconic moment or quote from your favorite movie.


Sometimes even goodies want to stand up and say WTF and leave the rest of the people around.


So if you are really willing to do that at your work, I guess, It will be rather impressive or dramatic. But in this case you will have to hunt for a new job. Similarly, after 6 hours of tiring shopping with your girlfriend if you do that you will have to look for a new girlfriend.


Choose the safest way – Check out our craziest collection of WTF GIFs and save Animations you liked the most and send them to express your heartfelt feelings to your loved ones.


If everything and everyone pisses you off, if the problems take you down, If you see no light at the end of the tunnel, just take a look at these GIFs.

We are not always polite to our friends especially when it comes on communicating through social media. We use different Emoji’s or GIFs. You can easily use WTF GIFs to make your friends laugh at the most depressing moment in their lives. It gives you huge pleasure when you see someone around you laughing and giggling at your silly jokes.


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