Funny Smoking Memes are totally Relatable & True

Have you ever been harassed by your relatives or family or friends for frequent smoking or in taking marijuana? If yes then this is the true corner to answer them in most hilarious ways. People nag on your head & give lectures about smoking, weeding but you like whatever I will never quit smoking. Smokers receive typical Indian lectures from elders about Smoking & Weeding but who cares a damn?

  • I’m not smoking any more, but I ain’t smoking any less: Lol this is one of the most hilarious memes of all time. This meme impacts that I have kept my smoking habit steady. Whatever the world says, he doesn’t care. He only knows to enjoy the smoking scene in his life. Nothing wrong.
  • That face you make when people say Weed is bad for you: Imagine you are in a party with friends & some anti-smoking people come & say that smoking is bad for your health. All you do is make your faces & continue to do the same.
  • Oh, You Don’t Smoke Weed, After A Long Day of Smoking Weed: ROFL! This is unique. The meme describes that one in takes unlimited smoking & then at the end of the day says I don’t smoke. Indeed a sarcastic moment by anyone.
  • Once I got to college, I realized marijuana was my soulmate: Yeah indeed, marijuana is love & addiction for some people. If people are trying to lecture you about marijuana, just tell them to “Bugger Off”. Well, something more sophisticated, like a pun intended. Convey your love for marijuana & smoking.
  • Just fucking do it. Smoke is awesome: Times come when nothing is well in your life. Well, chillax shit happens. Just pick & smoke or a weed & enjoy. All the stress will be decreased.
  • I don’t always smoke pot, but when I do its Everyday: This is another hilarious meme. I don’t always smoke pot but when I do smoking, it’s continuous & every day.
  • A list of Reasons why you should stop smoking weed: I find no reasons to leave smoking anytime or anywhere. In this meme, one suggests that there is no concrete reason to leave smoking or weeding anytime or due to anybody.  Just enjoy life with smoking.
  • You can succeed & smoke weed: Indeed. There is a great success in smoking & weeding. Well, not exactly but one has to smoke certainly to get a class or enjoy their life. But success only comes from hard work & after hard work, smoke much more.
  • I don’t have time to hate people who hate weed, cause I am too busy smoking with people who love weed: One of the classiest memes ever heard. Well I don’t have time to hate people or people who make judgements for me as I am freaking busy with my friends group to weed more & more & enjoy more & more.
  • You hate people that smoke weed but you drink everyday & your livers failing: Indeed. How the hell can you hate a weed addict or smoker when you yourself drink too much to fail your livers? Well rightly said, if one wants someone to stop smoking, one must first stop drinking. No judgements, No opinions. Simple as that.


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